CertHE Law and Legal Practice
1 Year
About the Course
Course Duration
1 Year
London, Birmingham and Swansea
Course fee (per year)
The Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) in Law and Legal Practice program at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of legal principles and practices.The program covers a range of topics, including the English legal system, contract law, tort law, criminal law, and human rights law. Students will also study legal research and writing, as well as the practical skills necessary to work in the legal profession.
Career Pathways
Barrister Chartered legal executive (England and Wales) Paralegal Solicitor Public Prosecutor Company Secretary Corporate Counsellor Legal Journalist Legal Advisotrs Compliance Officer
University / College
Widening Access Partner
Awarding Body
Payment Options
Student Finance England
Self Pay
Entry Requirements(Qualification)
No formal qualifications are required for entry. -Passport -Adress Proof(Bank statement/Utility Bill) -ImmigrationStatus(Share Code,BRP Card) - Personal Statement
Entry requirements (Experience)